Kvantové invaze

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Verze z 19. 3. 2024, 07:21, kterou vytvořila Lenadam (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „500px|link=|left <br> __TOC__<br> = Vítejte v kvantových invazích = Kvantové invaze jsou nejnovějším přírůstkem do Forge of Empires. Tato funkce se týká cechů, týmové spolupráce a strategie při společném postupu ke společnému cíli. V kvantových invazích si váš cech prorazí cestu různými nepřátelskými střetnutími na kvantové mapě, aby získal odměny. A nezanedbatelný výstup až na…“)
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Vítejte v kvantových invazích

Kvantové invaze jsou nejnovějším přírůstkem do Forge of Empires. Tato funkce se týká cechů, týmové spolupráce a strategie při společném postupu ke společnému cíli. V kvantových invazích si váš cech prorazí cestu různými nepřátelskými střetnutími na kvantové mapě, aby získal odměny. A nezanedbatelný výstup až na samotný vrchol kvantového žebříčku.


Jak začít?

K odemčení této funkce je potřeba odemknout technologii "Struktura velení" technology. To je vaší vstupenkou ke kvantovým invazím. Ujistěte se, že jste v cechu: abyste se mohli zúčastnit, musíte být součástí cechu. Týmová práce je klíčová!

K účasti všechny cechy potřebují svého kvantového důstojníka(y), protože tato osoba bude zodpovědná za výběr obtížnosti vaší cesty a cesty, kterou má cech jít.

Jak to funguje?

Stejně jako ostatní funkce cechu se kvantové invaze skládají z časových úseků, které se nazývají sezóny a mistrovství.

  • Sezóna začíná ve čtvrtek. Každá sezóna trvá 11 dní s 3denní přestávkou.
  • 6 sezón tvoří kvantové mistrovství.
  • V každé sezóně bude každý cech schopen projít až 10 obtížnostmi kvantových invazí a maximalizovat své odměny.
  • Čím rychleji dokončíte obtížnost, tím více času budete mít na dokončení další a – možná – vymazání všech v rámci jedné sezóny.

Pro přístup ke kvantovým invazím navštivte portál kvantových invazí – budovu, která je k dispozici hned za vaším městem.

Quantum Incursion Portal.png

V závislosti na tom, zda jste součástí cechu a zda je zde aktivní invaze, uvidíte zprávu, která vám řekne, zda se chcete připojit. Níže naleznete rozpis možných zpráv:

Čeká na vyřízení Období výběru Zpráva během výběru invaze
QI pending status.png
QI selection periodeA.png
QI Selection View.png
Zobrazí se poté, co skončila hrací doba sezóny a cech nebyl schopen dokončit první obtížnost. Zobrazí se kvantovému důstojníkovi, když je aktivní kvantová sezóna. Důstojník musí po kliknutí na "vybrat vpád" vybrat obtížnost ze seznamu. Zobrazí se ostatním členům cechu během výběru invaze.
Dokončete kvantovou invazi Aktivní hráči během kvantové invaze Neaktivní hráči předchozí kvantové invaze
QI Finish.png
QI Active Players.png
QI Inactive Players.png
Dostupné po skončení herního období sezóny, pokud cech dokončil alespoň první obtížnost. Zobrazí se hráčům, kteří jsou online, když je proveden výběr invaze. Zobrazeno hráčům, kteří v době, kdy byla vybrána kvantová invaze, nebyli součástí cechu.

Poznámka: Once your Guild has defeated the boss of the current difficulty, a Quantum Officer can unlock the next difficulty. However, if your Guild unlocks the next difficulty, you cannot clear the remaining node on the current difficulty. Make sure to coordinate with your Guild mates to make it happen and not waste any precious competition time!

The Quantum Incursion Map

The Quantum Incursions Map is the ultimate journey that will take you through various encounters until you face the final Boss.

QI Map.png

The Quantum Map is your battlefield. It's filled with nodes, each representing a unique challenge of military might or resource management.

Navigate the Quantum Map and use new currencies

To move between the nodes, you need Quantum Actions. The longer the distance between the nodes is, and the higher the difficulty, the more Quantum Actions the move will cost.

Quantum actions.png

Quantum Actions balance is topped at 100 000 and recharges over time at the rate of 5 000/hr. With the help of the Residential Buildings in your Quantum Settlement, you can boost this number by adding +50, +100, or +200 per building, depending on the building value.

You can also buy Quantum Actions with Quantum Shards. Think of this currency as your main boosting aid in the Quantum Realm. Using Quantum Shards, you can boost productions in your Settlement, get more Actions, and generally progress faster. You can get Quantum Shards by clearing node encounters, progressing in the Quantum Pass, and by purchasing them with Diamonds Small diamond.png

Quantum shards.png

Once you know your way around the Quantum Realm economy, it is time to move along with your journey. While many of the nodes are located on the straight path, sometimes you will need to choose between different paths with various encounters and rewards. Coordinate with your Guild and the Quantum Officer which path you want to choose. As always, choose wisely!

Your Quantum Officer may also mark a node by clicking this icon and direct all Guildmates' attention to it.

Mark a node icon.png


As mentioned, the nodes hide an array of different encounters. Here's a breakdown of icons you will see on your Quantum Map and how to interpret them:


Attacking/Defending Army Attacking/Defending Lieutenant Donation:
Goods/Coin & Supplies/Units
Stronghold Attack/Defense Attacking/Defending Garrison Reinforcing Garrison Attacking/Defending Boss
Battle encounters with average strength enemies Battle encounters with stronger enemies On these nodes, you will need to donate these resources to clear the node These encounters with stronger enemies provide buff to the Boss node while not cleared! Once cleared, these nodes with stronger enemies strengthten your Guild in the Boss fight Strengthten your Guild in the Boss fight by clearing this node using unit donation The strongest enemy of the current Incursion difficulty. Clear this node to finish the difficulty and move on to the next!
Fight Attacking.png Lieutenant Attacking.png Donation Good.png Stronghold Attacking.png Garrison Attacking.png QI Garrison.png QI Attacking Boss.png
Fight Defending.png Lieutenant Defending.png Donation Forge Coin Forge Supplies.png Stronghold Defending.png Garrison Defending.png QI Defending Boss.png
Donation Units.png

Look out for a challenge! Battle encounters may provide a special bonus for using specific unit types. Look for an indication: "Defeat this army using only this type of units" to gain more progress points and rewards.

Seize the Chance to boost your Guild! Strongholds and Garrisons are rare. Every difficulty can have maximum two spots for both the Strongholds and the Garrisons, so plan your map movements in accordance with their location not to miss your chance for a boost.


Start Cleared node Choice node
Default starting for all Guild members No action needed Donate Quantum Actions. After the node is cleared, a Quantum Officer needs to choose the direction the node and the direction the Guild will tackle next
QI Start node.png QI Cleared node.png QI Choice node.png

Battle Encounters

Battle nodes can pose an extra challenge that will require you to clear them using only certain unit types. Manage your Settlement and coordinate with your Guild to always have Guild mates who can complete a challenge. Those who do will get rewarded with extra Progress Points and a boosted potential reward from a node.

Start Battle Encounter

QI enter encounter.png QI Battle2.png QI Battle3.png
Click on the active node to enter encounter When you enter a node you will see a bar showing the number of progress points that you and your guild need gather in order to conquer the node. On this screenshot we mark the prefered units. Using only prefered units during a battle will yield double rewards and progress compared to when not.

Fight Encounters

QI Battle3A.png QI Battle3B.png
The number of Quantum actions.png you have currently. If you are running low you can buy more Quantum Actions for Quantum Shards by pressing the + sign. To start the a battle costs Quantum actions.png. Press the button in the lower part of the window to pay and enter the battle.
QI Battle3C.png QI Battle3D.png
The potential rewards when attacking the node. The chance of getting a reward when you take an encounter (fight) is shown beneath the chest. If you are lucky you will get one of the rewards shown when you have completed a fight successfully.

Donation Encounters

QI Donation1.png QI Donation2.png
Donation encounters can require donations of coins, supplies or goods. Like the battle encounters every donation costs Quantum actions.png Here you can choose which donation you want to do. there are 2 choices and 1 counts 2x.
QI Donation3.png QI Donation4.png
You can use the MAX button to donate as many ressources as you Quantum actions.png and ressources allow with one click. If you run out of Quantum actions.png, you can always buy more for Quantum Shards.

Once you have completed a difficulty in the current incursion, one of your Guild's Quantum Officers can unlock a new difficulty and your Guild can continue onto the next Map.

QI Difficulty.png

Reward mechanics

Node rewards

Every encounter listed above has a chance to give you with a reward. Depending on the difficulty of the node, the rewards will vary and may include combinations of the following resources:

  • Forge Points
  • Random Current Era Goods
  • Random Previous Era Goods
  • Random Next Era Goods
  • Quantum Actions
  • Quantum Coins
  • Quantum Supplies
  • Quantum Shards
  • Fragments of Neo Colossus, Neo Winners' Plaza, and Neo Botanical Rotunda buildings, Selection, and Upgrade Kits – but more on that later

You can always check what kind of rewards you might get in the node window itself.

For progressing through the nodes, you also gain progress points.

QI progress points.png

End-of-Incursion Chests

Similarly to the Events, progress points help you make your way to the rewards. The End-of-Incursion Reward Chests are one of the few places where you can get them. To access this menu, click on the Chest icon in the top left corner of the Quantum Map.

QI reward chest.png

For collecting 40 Progress Points during the season, you will be awared with a free Reward Chests. And for collecting 160 points – with one more free Reward Chest.

The Chests become available for collection at the end of the season. With every new difficulty your Guild undertakes, the content of Chests at the end of the season will improve. The final selection of Chests will depend on the highest difficulty your Guild managed to clear completely that season.

Even if you didn't score enough points in the season, you can still open Chests – provided you have enough Quantun Shards . Chests cost Quantun Shards Quantum shards.png, and the cost of opening will rise with every opened Chest. If you did score the 40 and 160 points in the season, enjoy your free Chests or continue opening more!

QI Opening Reward chest.png

Quantum Pass

The Quantum pass is an extra set of rewards. Every Progress Point you gain also count towards your Quantum Pass progress. Contrary to the End-of-Season Reward Chests, Quantum Pass is available during the whole Quantum Championship that lasts for 6 Quantum Seasons. The progress points counted towards it will not reset after every Season and during the Championship you can check your progress by clicking the Quantum Pass icon. Of course, should you decide to take advantage of the Silver and Golden Quantum Pass lanes, you will receive extra rewards every time you reach a milestone.

QI Quantum Pass progress.png

At every 30 points, you will get a new reward from the Quantum Pass – and one or two more exclusive rewards if you decide to purchase the Silver and/or the Gold Pass in addition. The Quantum Pass progress does NOT reset after the Quantum Incursions season is over. It remains through the whole Championship and allows you to maximize your rewards from consistently participating in every new season.

QI Quantum Pass.png

Quantum Championships

A Quantum Championship consists of 6 Quantum Incursions Seasons. Since seasons last for 14 days in total, it brings the duration of the Championship to 3 months.

QI Incursion ranking.png

As you gain progress points and clear difficulties within each new season, your Guild will climb their way up in the Ranking. At the end of the Championships, top Guilds will be rewarded. Depending on your final position highest and final position in the rankings, you will get a combination of the following items:

  • Forge Points
  • Quantum Medals
  • Building, Selection, and Upgrade Kit Fragments of Neo Colossus, both Silver and Gold versions
  • Building, Selection, and Upgrade Kit Fragments of Neo Winners' Plaza and Neo Botanical Rotunda

Wait, what are these Quantum Medals? While the Medals can already be earned now, their application will not make it into the first iteration of the feature. Later on, we intend to make these Medals another way to unlock expansions in your main City! Starting from the very first Quantum Incursion, you can already stock up your Medals storage and continue growing your City once the feature is available.

Quantum Incursion Settlement


Think of this as your base of operations. In the Quantum Settlement, you'll manage resources and build units specific to Quantum Incursions. The buildings in the Settlement are similar to the ones you encounter in certain Ages in the Main City, but they are not the same and can only procude resources specific to Quantum Incursions.

To access the Settlement, click on the ship icon in the Quantum Incursions menu.

Unlike the Settlements you might be used to and the Main City, the Quantum Settlement requires you to choose Goods and Military Buildings for the current season. Choose carefully, as this selection retains only until the season is over. You can speed up any production in the Quantum Settlement by using Quantum Shards. It is NOT possible to change those selections during the remaining part of the Quantum Incursion.



Note: you can only chose 2 each of the 5 possible goods and millitary buildings!

Quantum Incursion Settlement Buildings

Quantum Incursion Settlement


The resources produced by your buildings in the Quantum Settlement depend on how much Euphoria there is in your Settlement. Like in the Main City's happiness Small happyness.png, if you don't have enough Euphoria, your citizens might rebel against you, which will affect the productions in your Quantum Settlement.

In the table below, find how low and high Euphoria may affect your productions.

Euphoria state Euphoria ratio Production modifier
Rebelling Below 20% 0.2
Unruly Between 21% and 60% 0.6
Unhappy Between 61% and 80% 0.8
Neutral Between 81% and 120% 1
Content Between 121% and 140% 1.1
Happy Between 141% and 200% 1.2
Enthusiastic Greater than 200% 1.5

Quantum Incursion Units

Name Type


Soldier (Quantum Incursion)
Icon reward military unit light infantry.png Light Unit 25,000 9 8 1 22 +4 +4

Archer (Quantum Incursion)
Ranged Unit 25,000 10 4 5 12 +4

Legionnaire (Quantum Incursion)
Heavy Unit 25,000 8 13 1 11 +4 +4

Ballista (Quantum Incursion)
Artillery Unit 25,000 4 3 13 6 +4

Mounted Warrior (Quantum Incursion)
Fast Unit 25,000 9 8 1 22 +4 +4

Quantum Incursions Rewards