Cechovní bitvy

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Co jsou Cechovní bitvy?

Guild battlegrounds backgroundmap rd6.png

Každých 14 dní se cechy setkají na bojišti, a bitva bude trvat 11 dní. Tyto cechy budou bojovat o provincie na mapě, získávat vítězné body a stanou se nejlepším cechem na bitevním poli. V závislosti na výkonu se váš cech bude pohybovat v ligovém systému. Každé povýšení také znamená, že bitvy budou ještě náročnější, protože váš cech bude v průběhu svého růstu čelit konkurenceschopnějším soupeřům.

Jak se zúčastním Cechovních bitev?

Podobně jako u ostatních funkcí Forge of Empires, se ve vašem městě objeví přístup do Cechovních bitev. Jakmile jste členem spolku a odemknete technologii Vojenská taktika ve stromu technologií, získáte přístup k této funkci. Po odemknutí uvidíte na okraji vašeho města, hned vedle Kulturní osady, novou budovu.

Před odemčením Po odemčení

Kliknutím na budovu Cechovních bitev otevřete vzrušující novou funkci PvP!

Jak se mohu účastnit bitev?

Každá bitva bude tvořena mapou s 5 až 8 cechy, které budou spolu bojovat 11 po sobě jdoucích dnů. Kromě toho se mapa skládá z pevného počtu provincií. Každý cech bude zpočátku umístěn na okraji mapu v provincii s velitelstvím (rozdělení mapy by mělo poskytovat co nejrovnoměrnější vzdálenosti mezi cechy). Tyto hlavní provincie nemohou ostatní cechy dobývat.


Po dokončení každé bitvy budou mít cechy 3 dny přestávku, aby si hráči odpočinuli, shromáždili své odměny a připravili se na novou bitvu. Cechovní skóre bude poté aktualizováno a jeho členové uvidí, zda zvýšili nebo snížili svůj pokrok v ligovém systému.

Vlajky dobývání - útok a vyjednávání

Cechy mohou útočit pouze na provincie, které sousedí s jednou z jejich vlastních. Jakmile cech začne útočit na sousední provincii, v cílové provincii se zobrazí „dobývací vlajka“. Každá akce cechu s nejvyšším pokrokem zvýší sílu vlajky, dokud nebude v plné síle a bude tak zabrána dobývaná provincie:


Subsequently, the conquered province will stay in a ‘lock down’ state for 4 hours, which means that no guild can progress their conquest flag further in that province. Only the flag of the guild with the most progress will be displayed in a province, but other guilds progressing on that province will be indicated by small colored shields next to the flag. Also, you can always check a detailed list of guilds as well as their progress by clicking it.


To contribute to a certain conquest flag, any guild member can tap on that province to bring up its window. Two options for earning points will be available there: Attack and negotiation. The enemy composition for the battle option, as well as the costs for the negotiation option, will depend on the attacking player's age. At the same time, negotiation provides more than one advance as it takes more time and resources to complete.

When a certain amount of advances is reached, the province will get taken over. The amount of advances needed depends on the league - higher leagues needing more advances.

League -> Copper Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
Advances needed 40 70 100 130 160

As stated above, a province that was just taken will be under lock-down for four hours, giving the new owner some time to get victory points or build sector buildings. During lock-down, no other guild can progress their conquest flag further in that locked province.

Defending Pronvinces

There is no means of directly defending the acquired provinces. The only way of defending your guild's provinces will be by trying to take the provinces of the attacking guild before they take yours. In this case, if the opposing guild loses all adjacent provinces they also lose all advances that they have made towards your province.

Battleground Leaderboard

At all times, the guilds will see their amount of victory points within the feature. By clicking on this component, the Leaderboard will show all participating guilds of their current battleground group, listing the rankings, guild names, number of provinces they hold, current hourly gain of victory points, total of victory points and a reward preview for the given rank:

GBG Leaderboard.png

Victory Points

The Victory Points are particularly used to measure and count the points towards the current battleground, thus being reset every time you join a new round. Once per hour, each province that a guild holds will provide victory points. The provinces located towards the center of the map will be the ones providing the highest amount of victory points, so aim to acquire those!


Whenever a player successfully completes a battle or a negotiation (in the context of a Guild Battleground) they will build up Attrition. This is a percentage value that directly affects the (attack and defense) boosts of the defending armies and the difficulty level of the negotiations that the player will face.


So at some point, performing attacks or negotiating will become unfeasible as the defending armies become too strong and the negotiations become too complex or too expensive. However, attrition resets to 0% each day (midnight server time).

Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
0 0% 1
1 2% 1
2 4% 1
3 6% 1
4 8% 1
5 10% 1
6 15% 2
7 20% 2
8 25% 2
9 30% 2
Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
10 35% 2
11 40% 2
12 45% 2
13 50% 2
14 60% 3
15 70% 3
16 80% 3
17 90% 3
19 100% 3
19 120% 4
Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
20 140% 4
21 160% 4
22 180% 4
23 200% 4
24 220% 5
25 240% 5
26 260% 5
27 280% 5
28 300% 5
29 320% 6
30 340% 6

If you're curious about the other data, you can take a look at the full table Attrition Table page.

League System

To ensure that there’s no substantial difference between the participating guilds on each Battleground map, we will have a League System made up of five distinct league categories: Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Newly arrived guilds will be positioned in the Copper league.

Copper Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_copper.png https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_silver.png https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_gold.png https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_platinum.png https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_diamond.png

When the feature arrives, however, every existing guild will be given an initial league allocation. This should be calculated according to the average activity and members count per guild. The purpose is to start the feature with more appropriate battleground instances, while your actual performance within the feature will reflect your true league rank after a few seasons.

Province Buildings

Guild Battlegrounds Province Buildings


You can obtain immediate, temporary and permanent rewards in the Battlegrounds. There's a chance to obtain Forge Points, units, attackers boosts, goods, diamonds and fragments for the Statue of Honor after each fight or negotiation. The magnitude of these rewards depends on your league! Your guild should gain temporary prestige points according to its current league, but keep in mind that you can also lose them likewise when dropping in the league. Lastly, we also have permanent rewards for you and your guild: Guilds can get guild power according to their placement withing a battleground (the amount also scales according to the league), and simultaneously you can get fragments for the Statue of Honor Selection Kit.


Note: 50% of the time, the immediate reward will be one fragment for the Statue of Honor Selection kit.

Statue of Honor - Lv. 1 Statue of Honor - Lv. 2 Statue of Honor - Lv. 3 Statue of Honor - Lv. 4 Statue of Honor - Lv. 5

Guild Rewards

When a battleground ends, guilds may obtain various rewards which depend on placement:

  • Prestige according to current league and placement;
  • Guild Power according to placement within a battleground
  • Fragments of the Statue of Honor

Resume Table

Rank Copper Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
Fragments Power Fragments Power Fragments Power Fragments Power Fragments Power
1 13 54,600 39 163,800 65 273,000 91 382.200 130 546.000
2 12 47.900 35 143,500 57 239,000 80 334,800 114 478,200
3 11 43,300 31 129,700 52 216,100 73 302,600 103 432,200
4 10 40,800 30 122,300 49 203,000 68 285,200 97 407,400
5 10 40,400 29 121,000 48 201,600 68 282,300 96 403,200
6 10 39,900 29 119,700 48 199,000 67 279,300 95 399,000
7 10 39,500 28 118,500 47 197,400 66 276,400 94 394,800
8 10 39,100 28 117,200 47 195,300 66 273,500 93 390,600

Individual Rewards

Apart from rewards for your guild, there are also individual rewards, whenever you contribute by fighting or negotiating, there is a chance to win some Forge Points, Goods, a military unit, attacker boost or even Diamonds.