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Budovy jsou naprostým základem Forge of Empires. Budovy, které můžete posvait najdete v menu staveb v levém dolním rohu herního okna. Budovy se rozlišují podle typů - kategorií, které jsou rozděleny do jednotlivých záložek. Building menu.jpg

Budovy jsou různě velké, náklady na jejich stavbu se také samozřejmě liší, stejně jako jejich účel. Vše záleží i na době, do které budova spadá.

Většina budova musí být připojena cestou k radnici. V opačném případě nezačne ani stavba budovy, nebo nebude pracovat.

Budovy lze libovolně přemisťovat, ale nelze je otáčet. Prodat (zbořit) budovu je možné kdykoli.



Radnice je hlavní budova ve městě. Všechny ostatní budovy (kromě dekorací a vybraných speciálních budov) musí být napojeny na radnici pomocí cesty. Radnice je jedinou budovou, kterou nelze prodat a také jedinou budovou, která mění svůj vzhled s postupem do nové doby.

Obytné budovy

Constructionmenu residential icon.png Obytné budovy jsou základem každého města. Poskytují dostupné obyvatelstvo a za určitý čas produkují mince. Bez těchto dvou zdrojů se ve hře neobejdete.


Constructionmenu workshops icon.png Dílny jsou také nezbytnou součástí dobře fungujícího města. Vyrábí se v nich další základní zdroj - zásoby. Zásoby jsou potřeba napříč celou hrou, např. ke stavbě dalších budov, k výcviku vojenských jednotek nebo k výrobě zboží. Dílny jsou velmi různorodé, co se velikosti a nákladů na stavbu týká.


Constructionmenu goods icon.png Sklady jsou budovy, ve kterých se vyrábí zboží - důležitý zdroj ve Forge of Empires. Zboží se využívá k výzkumu technologií, ke stavbě velkolepých budov a potřebujete ho i k válčení v cechovních válkách.

are buildings that produce goods, one of the main resources of Forge of Empires. Goods are needed for researching technologies, building great buildings, and for maintenance in the Guild vs. Guild warfare. Goods can also be used to negotiate provinces. Goods can be traded with other players. As of today there are 60 different types of goods buildings in the game.

Goods Buildings have similar mechanics to those of production buildings. The player has to assign work to each building by spending some coins, some supplies and (from the modern era and later) some unrefined goods, to produce goods. There are four different production rates, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours, allowing different amounts of goods to be produced.

Cultural Buildings

Constructionmenu culture icon.png Cultural Buildings are structures that provide happiness. They work very similarly to Decorations but provides a higher amount of happiness per tile of space in the cost of being much more expensive and must be connected to a path or road.


Constructionmenu decoration icon.png As with Cultural Buildings, Decorations are building structures which boost a town population's happiness at a comparatively cheaper short-term cost, but they provide less happiness per tile of space. They are the ideal choice of type in the game's early stages until emphasis on area efficiency becomes more apparent.

Military Buildings

Constructionmenu military icon.png Military Buildings are buildings that can train Military Units. Each Building can only recruit one kind of unit. A Military Building has two slots unlocked by default, and you may purchase two additional slots by paying a certain amount of Gold and Supplies. There is also a fifth slot, but it can only be unlocked through Diamonds. Also take note that the price to unlock slots gets higher the more you unlock.

Recruiting units does not affect your Population.


Constructionmenu roads icon.png Roads are essentially a city's 'power lines'. With the exception of the Town Hall and decorations, all buildings must be touching a road that is connected to the Town Hall in order to produce coins, supplies, train military units, etc. Any building not touching a road with at least one of its edges will display a graphic of a broken chain above it and will cease all productivity. For players' convenience, roads may be replaced with roads of a different type by simply building over the existing road with no need to delete/sell it first. However, roads also give nothing back when sold so try to preserve them as much as possible when placing/moving buildings rather than destroying and replacing them.

In the Progressive Era and beyond, some buildings will require a two-lane street instead of an ordinary road


Constructionmenu expansion icon.png Expansions allow the player to enlarge the building area of city. One expansion unlocks an area of 4x4 tiles that has to be placed adjacent to the current building area grid. There are three ways to expand the building area: by paying with coins, by medals, or by diamonds. Expanding is crucial to increase supply and coin output. The player starts the game with 16 4x4 tile expansions.

Great Buildings

Levels.png Great Buildings are special buildings inspired by world history which can be built to provide powerful benefits to the player.

Special Buildings

Icon gift.png These buildings are special buildings that have been available for limited periods mostly during events.