Tiki totem

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Verze z 30. 9. 2016, 20:44, kterou vytvořil Ondrej (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „{| | style="text-align: center;" colspan="2" |File:TikiTotem.png - Happiness is doubled while polished<br> - Renovation Kit needed to upgrade buildin…“)
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- Happiness is doubled while polished
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building

Type: Decoration
Size: Icon size.png 1x1
Obtainable From: Summer Event 2016

Age Icon happiness.png Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 73 5
Iron Age 101 8
Early Middle Age 116 20
High Middle Age 132 40
Late Middle Age 147 60
Colonial 166 100
Industrial Age 188 200
Progressive Era 206 300
Modern Era 225 500
Postmodern Era 234 800
Contemporary Era 267 1,200
Tomorrow 324 2,000
The Future 366 3,200
Arctic Future 418 4,800